This binding closely mimics a standard Xbox controller, and adds support for the mod 'Convenient Horses'.
All bindings are labelled in the configuration menus. Note the following:
The only significant difference between this layout and using a normal Xbox controller with Skyrim is that Run/Walk is toggled using (clicking) the left grip.
Fully depressing either trigger (until it "hard" clicks) activates the usual trigger behaviour. If you partially depress the trigger ("soft click") it will have no effect unless you are in the Quest/Stats/System screen. It will than cycle through the three major options as normal.
The behaviour of the right trackpad (the camera/look control) is set to my tastes. If you find it too sensitive (or not sensitive enough) you can adjust mouse sensitivity and vertical percentage in the advanced settings. You may also wish to try changing the response curve to wide or linear, instead of extra wide. Make sure you leave at least some dead zone in the middle.
To use with Convenient Horses, you need to go to the Convenient Horses MCM menu in-game, and bind the following keys on your keyboard: Horse Inventory = G, Horse shall follow = H, Fast Dismount = B. This will result in Horse Inventory being the left arrow on the D-pad, Horse Shall Follow/Wait being the right arrow on the D-pad, and Fast Dismount being the down arrow on the D-pad. The up arrow will activate the favourites menu as normal.
If you change any settings, create a save with a new name so that you don't lose your settings.
Critical Information! Make sure that "Gamepad" is disabled in your Skyrim settings (set bGamepadEnable=0 in the Skyrimprefs.ini). Mod Organizer users will need to set this individually in ALL of the profiles where they want to use the controller.
Have fun! Hrolf the Wanderer
Need help with how to use these configs? Click here!
"controller_mappings" { "version" "2" "title" "Archmage Hrolf's Skyrim Bindings with Convenient Horses Support" "description" "Mimics standard Xbox controller, and adds support for convenient horses. In the Convenient Horses MCM menu, bind the following keys: Horse Inventory = G, Horse shall follow = H, Fast Dismount = B. NOTE 1: Run/walk is toggled by Left Grip Button. Note 2: Make sure gamepad is disabled in Skyrim settings (bGamepadEnable=0 in Skyrimprefs.ini) (MO users disable in all profiles that will use controller). Note 3: Make sure Steam Overlay is ON." "creator" "76561198145637497" "group" { "id" "0" "mode" "four_buttons" "bindings" { "button_A" "key_press E, Activate/Interact" "button_B" "key_press TAB, Menu" "button_X" "key_press R, Draw/Sheath Weapon" "button_Y" "key_press SPACE, Jump " } "settings" { "button_size" "17984" "button_dist" "19968" } } "group" { "id" "1" "mode" "dpad" "bindings" { "dpad_north" "xinput_button DPAD_UP" "dpad_south" "xinput_button DPAD_DOWN" "dpad_east" "xinput_button DPAD_RIGHT" "dpad_west" "xinput_button DPAD_LEFT" "edge" "key_press LEFT_ALT" "click" "key_press LEFT_CONTROL, sneak" } "settings" { "requires_click" "0" "deadzone" "5000" "edge_binding_radius" "24996" "analog_emulation_period" "1" "analog_emulation_duty_cycle_pct" "41" } } "group" { "id" "2" "mode" "joystick_camera" "bindings" { "click" "key_press E" } "settings" { "curve_exponent" "4" "swipe_duration" "0" "output_joystick" "2" "sensitivity_vert_scale" "58" "sensitivity" "418" } } "group" { "id" "3" "mode" "joystick_move" "bindings" { "click" "mouse_button MIDDLE" } "settings" { "edge_binding_radius" "24996" "deadzone_inner_radius" "1413" "deadzone_outer_radius" "30734" "sensitivity" "97" } } "group" { "id" "4" "mode" "trigger" "bindings" { "click" "mouse_button RIGHT, left hand" "edge" "key_press KEYPAD_5" } "settings" { "output_trigger" "1" "haptic_intensity" "3" "adaptive_threshold" "0" } } "group" { "id" "5" "mode" "trigger" "bindings" { "click" "mouse_button LEFT, right hand" "edge" "key_press KEYPAD_8" } "settings" { "output_trigger" "2" "haptic_intensity" "3" "adaptive_threshold" "0" } } "group" { "id" "6" "mode" "joystick_move" "bindings" { "click" "xinput_button JOYSTICK_RIGHT" } "settings" { "output_joystick" "1" } } "group" { "id" "7" "mode" "absolute_mouse" "bindings" { "click" "key_press E, interact" } "settings" { "sensitivity" "157" "edge_spin_radius" "24959" "doubetap_max_duration" "320" } } "group" { "id" "8" "mode" "scrollwheel" "bindings" { "scroll_clockwise" "mouse_wheel SCROLL_DOWN" "scroll_counterclockwise" "mouse_wheel SCROLL_UP" "click" "key_press F" } "settings" { "scroll_angle" "88" } } "group" { "id" "9" "mode" "absolute_mouse" "settings" { "doubetap_max_duration" "324" } } "group" { "id" "10" "mode" "dpad" "bindings" { "dpad_north" "key_press W" "dpad_south" "key_press S" "dpad_east" "key_press D" "dpad_west" "key_press A" } "settings" { "requires_click" "0" "edge_binding_radius" "24995" "analog_emulation_period" "29" } } "group" { "id" "11" "mode" "dpad" "bindings" { "dpad_north" "key_press W, Move Forward" "dpad_south" "key_press S, Move Backwards" "dpad_east" "key_press D, Strafe (Move) Right" "dpad_west" "key_press A, Strafe (Move) Left" "click" "key_press LEFT_CONTROL, sneak" } "settings" { "requires_click" "0" "edge_binding_radius" "24995" "haptic_intensity" "0" "analog_emulation_period" "378" } } "group" { "id" "12" "mode" "four_buttons" "bindings" { "button_A" "key_press LEFT_CONTROL" "button_B" "key_press KEYPAD_ENTER" "button_X" "key_press RIGHT_ALT" "button_Y" "key_press KEYPAD_PERIOD" } "settings" { "button_size" "17986" "button_dist" "19986" } } "group" { "id" "13" "mode" "four_buttons" "bindings" { "button_A" "key_press B, Fast Dismount" "button_B" "key_press H, Horse Follow/Wait" "button_X" "key_press G, Horse Inventory" "button_Y" "key_press Q, Favourites" } "settings" { "requires_click" "0" } } "group" { "id" "14" "mode" "mouse_joystick" } "group" { "id" "15" "mode" "absolute_mouse" } "group" { "id" "16" "mode" "joystick_camera" "settings" { "curve_exponent" "4" "output_joystick" "2" "sensitivity_vert_scale" "58" "anti_deadzone" "4380" "sensitivity" "446" } } "group" { "id" "17" "mode" "touch_menu" "bindings" { "touch_menu_button_0" "xinput_button DPAD_UP" "touch_menu_button_1" "xinput_button DPAD_LEFT" "touch_menu_button_2" "xinput_button DPAD_RIGHT" "touch_menu_button_3" "xinput_button DPAD_DOWN" } "settings" { "touch_menu_button_count" "2" } } "preset" { "id" "0" "name" "" "group_source_bindings" { "0" "button_diamond active" "12" "button_diamond active modeshift" "1" "left_trackpad inactive" "10" "left_trackpad active modeshift" "13" "left_trackpad active" "17" "left_trackpad inactive" "2" "right_trackpad active" "6" "right_trackpad inactive" "7" "right_trackpad inactive" "8" "right_trackpad inactive modeshift" "9" "right_trackpad inactive modeshift" "16" "right_trackpad active modeshift" "3" "joystick inactive" "11" "joystick active" "14" "joystick inactive" "15" "joystick inactive" "4" "left_trigger active" "5" "right_trigger active" } "switch_bindings" { "bindings" { "left_bumper" "key_press LEFT_ALT, sprint" "button_escape" "key_press J, start menu" "button_menu" "key_press T, wait" "right_bumper" "key_press Z, shout" "button_back_right" "key_press F, camera" "button_back_left" "key_press CAPSLOCK, Run/Walk Toggle" } } "settings" { } } }